- Create tensions that leads to forward motion.
- Marketing is the generous act of helping someone solve a problem. Their problem.
- The other kind of marketing, the effective kind, is about understanding our customer’s worldview and desires so we can connect with them. It’s focused on being misses when you’re gone, on being more than people expect to those who trust us It seeks volunteers, not victims.
- Your emergency is not a license to steal my attention. Your insecurity is not a permot to hustle me or my friends.
- If you help them to become a better version of themselves, the ones they seek to be, you’re a marketer.
- Persistent, consistent, and frequent stories, delivered to an aligned audience, will earn attention, trust and action.
- You want to make change by making culture. Begin by organizing a tightly knit group. Begin by getting people in Sync. Culture beats strategy-- so much that culture is strategy.
- You can bring someone belonging, connection, peace of mind status, or one of the other most desired emotions, you’ve done something worthwhile. The thing you sell is simply a road to achieve those emotions, and we let everyone down when we focus on the tactics, not the outcomes. Who’s it for and what’s it for are the two questions that guild all of our decisions.
- The relentless pursuit of mass will make you boring, because mass means average, it means the center of the curve, it requires you to offend no one and satisfy everyone.
- Choose the people most open to hearing your message. Choose the people who will tell the right other people.
- My produce is for people who believe ___________. I will focus on people who want ______________. I promise that engaging with what I make will help you get ________.
- Great marketing is the generous and audacious work of saying “I see a better alternative, come with me”
- Emotional labor is the work we do to provide service.
- Innovative marketers invent new solutions that work with old emotions. Here’s the list, the foundational list, a shared vocabulary that each of us choose from when expressing our dreams and fears:
Avoiding new things
Freedom of expression
Freedom of movement
Good looks
Learning new things
Peace of mind
Physical activity
Sex Strength
- Nobody needs your product: They are buying a feeling, not a wallet. Identify that feeling before you spend time marketing a wallet.
- What do you want? You’d like to be respected, successful, independent, appropriately busy, and maybe a little famous. You’d like to do work you’re proud of and do it for people you care about.
- Divide modern business into five sections:
The truth section describes the world as it is. Footnote if you want to, but tell me about the market you are entering, the needs that exist, the competitors in your space, technology standards, and how others have succeeded and failed in the past. The more specific, the better. The omre ground knowledge, the better.
The assertions section is your chance to describe how you are going to change things. We will do X, and then Y will happen. We will Build Z with this much money in this much time. We will present Q to the market and the market will respond by taking this action.
The alternative section tells me what you’ll do if that happeneds. How much flexibility does your produce or team have? If your assertions don’t pan out, is it over?
The people section highlights the key element: Who is on your team, and who is going to join your team. Who are the people you’re serving? Who are the champions? What do they believe about status? What worldview do they have?
- The purpose of capitalism is to build our culture.
- Nowadays we scan instead of study.
- While everyone could be a neophiliac, a sneezer, a power user, a siginificant contributor, not everyone is taking that opportunity.
- The road out of this paradox is to combine two offerings, married to each other: (Chief’s free recipe and fine dining example)
Free ideas that spread.
Expensive expressions of those ideas that are worth paying for.
- Famous to the tribe: everyone is famous to 1500 people.
- Public Relation is the art of telling your story to the right person in the right way.
- The best marketers are farmers, not hunter.
- The tyranny of perfect: Perfect closes the door. It asserts that we’re done, that this is the best we can do. Worse, perfect forbids us to try. To seek perfection and not reach it is failure.
- The possibility of better: Better opens the door. Better challenges us to see what’e there and begs us to imagine how we could improve on that. Better invites us in and gives us a chance to seek dramatic improvement on behalf of those we seek to serve.
- The magic of good enough: Good enough isn’t an excuse or a shortcut. Good enough leads to engagement. Engagement leads to trust. Trust gives us a chance to see (if we choose to look). And seeing allows us to learn. Learning allows us to make a promise. And a promise might earn enrollment. And enrollment is precisely what we need to achieve better. Ship your work. It’s good enough. Then make it better.
- Help! When we offer it, we are being generous. When we ask for it, we are turning someone else to see us and care about us.
- Just because you can market something doesn’t mean you should.
- Answer these questions: What do you do about the noise in your heads? Where do you find the strength to bring out better to the world? What’s the alternative to hesitating?
Simple Marketing Worksheet
- Who is it for?
- What is it for?
- What is the worldview of the audience you’re seeking to reach?
- What are they afraid of?
- What story will you tell? Is it true
- What change are you seeking to make?
- How will it change their status?
- How will you reach early adopters and neophiliacs?
- Why will they tell their friends?
- What will they tell their friends?
- Where’s the networks effect that will propel this forward?
- What asset are you building?
- Are you proud of it?
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